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The 鈥淒igitech鈥 course in Year 7 is an opportunity for our students to 鈥渢hink like a computer鈥. Students are introduced to topics that include how the internet works (did you know sharks have been known to bite undersea internet cables?!), binary code, file compression, encryption, decryption and using flow charts to design solutions to problems.

We also spend time understanding what a digital footprint is and how we can make sure we are aware of our own footprint before we fully enter the world of social media.

To finish off our first term the students have worked together to create flow charts of the steps of famous dance moves inspired by Jimmy Fallon鈥檚 鈥淗istory of Dance鈥 that could be then used to teach others- even those with two left feet!

After learning these moves via our flow charts they then performed these moves as a class. This has been filmed to be part of a time capsule that will be replayed when they make it to Year 12.

We have to say that our Year 7 class of 2022 definitely has rhythm!

Mark Jenkinson
Design, Art & Technology Learning Leader