Ãâ·ÑAƬBI 209

Year 7
Year 7s are learning about Jesus Christ this term.

Currently students are learning how the bible was written and the many different genres included within.

Students will be focusing on who Jesus was and how he interacted with different marginalised groups such as women, the poor and sick.

We will also study the climax of the Jesus narrative; the Crucifixion and Resurrection and why they are so key to our Catholic/Christian faith.

Year 8
In Term 2, Year 8 students have just embarked on a unit of study on Catherine McAuley, the foundress of the Mercy Sisters. So far, we have been finding out who Catherine was, how the Gospels were at the centre of her motivation to undertake the work she did, and some of the challenges she faced.

Students will soon begin their work on an enquiry unit, looking at the work of the Sisters of Mercy across the world today, and reflecting on how Catherine’s legacy continues in that work.

Bernadette Hogan and Grace Austin
Religious Education Teachers